Dance Theatre Auraco: The Why Mix
What is Auraco’s new work made of? Mime, dance, music. Mazes, circles, spirals. Emojis of three wise monkeys. That´s what The Why Mix is made of.
What is Auraco’s new work made of? Mime, dance, music. Mazes, circles, spirals. Emojis of three wise monkeys. That´s what The Why Mix is made of.
Why do the hands get twisted? Why do the legs take different directions? Why does one have a tail and the others do not? Yes – and why do I see even when I don’t?
The word “why” is key to understanding and knowledge. “Mix” is a mixture. The Why Mix throws questions in the air about the meanings and interpretations of bodily movement. The Why Mix is a geometric, thrilling, colourful and partly serious mixture of contemporary dance, mime and music. The piece ponders on children’s reduced bodily expression and movement constructions in the time of smartphones and emojis. The Why Mix’s visuality draws its inspiration from the Bauhaus style – but why?
As part of the creative process behind the performance, 23 dance workshops were held with Annatalo’s 5–18-year-old art students and their instructors. The workshops were themed around abstract movement and its various insterpretations.
Director: Päivi Aura
Choreography: Päivi Aura, Kati Lehtola, Veera Lamberg
Music and sound design: Heli Hartikainen
Performers: Kati Lehtola, Veera Lamberg, Maria Autio and Heli Hartikainen
Costumes: Piritta Kämi-Conway
Light design: Nicolas Salo
Photos: Minna Hatinen
Production: Auraco together with Annantalo Arts Centre
Duration: 35 min
Age recommendation: 4+ years
Tickets 10€. Free entry to the Saturday 28 January performance, registration at starting from 10 January. Registration to the free of charge 31 January and 1 February performances open only for daycare and school groups at starting from 2 January.
The Why Mix is a part of the
Mapping – a Map on the Aesthetics of Performing Arts for Early Years project of the EU’s Creative Europe programme.