Photo (c) Lapinlahden Lähde

Villiyrtit – Wild Herbs: Start!

Villiyrtit – Wild herbs is an open course lasting throug the summer and early autumn.

Villiyrtit – Wild herbs is an open course lasting throug the summer and early autumn. The course is about getting to know wild herbs and making nature trips in the capital area. The course guide is Kaupunkiluontokeskus (Helsinki City Nature Centre) instructor Ilona Rautiainen. 

The first lecture informs about a few common wild herbs that can be found easily in nearby woods and parks. Ilona is presenting wild herbs and helping to recognize them. You can look, smell and taste the herb samples and also make herbal tea straight from fresh herbs. There might be also some other cookings to taste! Also there’s literature about the subject to explore. The participantscan influence it by for example suggesting nature places to visit.


Lapinlahden Lähde, Osasto 5, 1st floor



Free entry,  might be a small fee to cover materials

No pre-registration needed