Anna Maria Häkkinen: Afterglow, low lingering slips of light
Mar 1 – 2, 2025
Mannerheiminaukio 2, 00100 Helsinki
As the sun sets beyond the horizon, its light scatters through atmospheric particles, creating hues of red, orange, and pink. In Anna Maria Häkkinen’s dance piece, the steps of nine dancers, the live notes of the harp, and the undulating soundscapes of EDM merge together in concerted patterns. Afterglow, which premiered at New York’s Performa Biennial in 2023, fills Kiasma’s spacious top-floor exhibition hall at dawn, in March 2025.
Working group: Anna Maria Häkkinen, Keliel, Emil Santtu Uuttu, Erno Aaltonen, cove barton, jay beardsley, Johan Högsten, Magpie, Raymond Pinto, Esete Sutinen, Isa Spector, Emmi Venna, Kate Williams, Anna Therése Witenberg & Angel Zinovieff.