Author Talk: Elísabet Jökulsdóttir
Feb 13, 2025 | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Kaisaniemenkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki
Meet Icelandic author Elísabet Jökulsdóttir (1958-), who will be interviewed by students from Nordic Literature program at the University of Helsinki.
Elísabet Jökulsdóttir debuted in 1989 with the poetry collection Dans í lokuðu herbergi (‘Dancing in a Closed Room’, not translated into English) and has since written novels, short stories, and plays. In addition to her literary career, she has been politically active, even running for president of Iceland in 2016.
In 2021, she won the Icelandic Literature Prize, Íslensku bókmenntaverðlaunin, for her novel Aprílsólarkuldi (Eitthvað alveg sérstakt). Frásögn um ást og geðveiki og huggun (‘Cold April Sun (Something quite special). A tale of love, insanity and solace’, not translated into English). The novel was also nominated for the Nordic Council Literature Prize, as was her short story collection Ástin ein taugahrúga: Enginn dans við Ufsaklett (‘Love – a nervous wreck: No dancing at the fishing rock’, not translated into English), after it was published in 2014.
Nordic Culture Point, library
Free entry
Held in English