Karlos Karvanaama and His Funny Circus

Mar 1 – 8, 2025

Läntinen Teatterikuja 1, 00100 Helsinki

Karlos Karvanaama and his funny circus of special animals 

Karlos Karvanaama and his funny circus of special animals is a show aimed at preschool-aged children, in which Kalle Lehto’s bearded ringmaster character presents a diverse range of circus arts – acrobatics, juggling, balancing, mime and magic, not forgetting physical comedy. 

Animals come to life when circus artist Lehto conjures up co-stars for himself.


Finnish National Theatre, Maalaamosali Stage

1.3. & 8.3.2025



1.3. & 8.3.2025

10.00, 15.00 & 17.00

Tickets 16€ from Lippupiste and Finnish National Theatre, duration 30 min


The performance is speechless and aimed for preschool-aged children, age recommendation 2+

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