KINO CAISA: Queering the Frame – Feminist Film Experiments

May 13, 2025 | 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Kaikukatu 4, 00530 Helsinki

Feminist Film Experiments is a series of film screenings which asks how we work together creatively to highlight injustice and imagine the world otherwise.

Join us for Feminist Film Experiments – three evenings of film screenings at Kino Caisa!

Honouring feminist creativity across generations, we bring you films from the past which explore and challenge injustices still in the present. The films are sourced from Cinenova’s feminist film collection, ranging from the 1970s to the early 2000s across contexts (Jamaica, USA & Sri Lanka, among others).

Engaging with representations of gender, race, sexuality and community, these filmmakers ask how we work (and play) to imagine the world otherwise. We will host a panel discussion after the final screening to reflect on the films collectively.

Tuesday 13th May – Queering the frame
Tuesday 20th May – Decolonial lenses
Tuesday 27th May – Gender at work

Presented by Adalmiina Erkkola, a Helsinki-based cultural producer interested in the political potential of film. They also host the No Man’s Land radio show at IDA Helsinki.

Cinenova was founded in 1991 following the merger of two feminist film and video distributors, Circles and Cinema of Women, each formed in 1979. Cinenova distributes over 400 titles including artists’ moving image, narrative cinema, documentary and educational videos produced between the 1910s and 2000s. For more, visit: