La Strada: with love from Italy

Apr 5, 2025 | 2:00 pm

Klaneettitie 5, 00420 Helsinki

The La Strada concert brings together some of Italy’s most beloved songs, from popular music to opera.

The concert will feature music such as “La donna e mobile”, “Poika varjoisilta kujilta”, “Puhu hiljaa rakkaudesta”, “La Strada”, “Bella Notte”, “Mamma”, “Nessun Dorma” and “Hopeinen kuu”.

Jyrki Anttila will be accompanied by pianist Anu Kosonen and accordionist Petri Ikkelä.

The concert has received rave reviews all over Finland, and now you can enjoy it at Kanneltalo, too!

Duration: 1 hour 50 min (including a 20-minute intermission)