MimoArt Company: PIPES & HOSES
Mar 29, 2025 | 2:00 pm
Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki
Visually impressive, Pipes & Hoses is a stage spectacle combining water, dance, physical comedy and sound art from the internationally award-winning MimoArt Company.
In the performance, Stoa’s stage is filled with 2000 litres of water. On average, a Finn uses nearly 4,000 litres of water per day, including hidden water. In Pipes & Hoses, half of that amount is used on stage, which demonstrates to the viewer the enormous impact that everyday human activity has on water as a dwindling natural resource.
Together with the water element, personal performers and enchanting live music, MimoArt Company builds an insightful, multi-level and holistically touching experience in front of viewers.
Pipes & Hoses is a part of MimoArt Company’s three-part Water Trilogy series. In 2022, the group was nominated for the SÄDE Award for the overall visualization of Fades Away, the first part of the series. The piece is a part of Stoa’s 40th anniversary programme and a destination for Art Testers in 2024–2025.
International work group responsible for artistic implementation:
Mimosa Lindahl, Arto-Oskar Reunanen
Mikko Lampinen
Karel Šimek
Silver Sepp
Lasse Turunen
Mates Petrák
Lauri Lohi
Alina Sakko
Hanna Kahrola
Antti-Pekka Pudas