Muistojen ankkurit – arkisia aarteita Inkeristä – Anchors of memories – daily treasures from Ingria

Feb 28, 2025

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

With photographs and items, the exhibition tells the stories of Ingrian Finns fleeing wars and persecution.

The exhibition looks at the Ingrian identity in a completely new light. Ingrians living in Finland, Estonia and Sweden were interviewed for the project. At the same time, items that remind them of Ingria were photographed. While 51 people were photographed, there were significantly more items.

The photographs and stories mirror the entire history of Ingrians from the revolution to the present day. The stories also show the ability of the Ingrian refugees and their descendants to adapt to new environments.

Everyday treasures, even the most modest items, are relevant to refugees. They function as anchors of memories of the lost homeland; even part of their identity. Some items are quite surprising as memorabilia, such as a rusty electric plate and a separator in an apartment building with no cows. On the other hand, there are items that tell of interaction with the local population, even the aristocracy.

In Finland, the project’s responsible organisation has been Nouse Inkeri ry.