Sanna Liisanantti – Elämänpolulla – Haagan Taideseura
Feb 1 – 28, 2025
Klaneettitie 5, 00420 Helsinki
Each of us has our own path, through which the experiences that we have had accompany us in our memories.
How much history is hidden in the life story of a long-lived person?
“I am interested in the past time as experienced by ordinary people, not as years and lists of names of those in power. The everyday visual elements of the past, copper pans, wood stoves and traditional houses fascinate me immensely. Making pictures that are set in modern times has also been rewarding, because wrinkles and grey hair tell about wisdom. I have wanted to use my pictures to bring out my own vision of the beauty of ageing and to help find what is good in it.
I have made these pictures by drawing and painting by hand, which shows in them. Similarly, life leaves us traces that cannot be cleaned up with a computer afterwards. These traces are the stories I want to hear and to be told to younger generations and shared with those who have experienced the same.”