Teatteri Nirvana: HATKAT

May 8, 2025 | 6:00 pm

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

Based on the personal experiences of the creators, the show examines how society deals with an individual’s psychological problems and abnormal behaviour.

HATKAT is a dramatic work co-written and co-directed by actor-dancer-creator Geoffrey Erista and dramaturge-writer Jussi Moila. It is based on their experiences and background research on child protection and psychiatric inpatient treatment.

In addition to Erista, on stage we will see puppeteer Reetta Moilanen as well as characters created by means of objects and puppet theatre. In addition to documentary material, the work also uses Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment. The multifaceted dramatic work deals with punishment, the institution and an oppressive system on both social and personal levels. The show moves in the grey areas of morality, ethics and the law while examining taboos in situations where morality and the law do not meet.

HATKAT is the second part of Erista and Moila’s trilogy on social stigma. Their first joint work FENNOFOBIA was created in 2021 together with Teater Viirus.

Text & Direction: Geoffrey Erista & Jussi Moila
On stage: Geoffrey Erista & Reetta Moilanen
Lighting design: Julia Jäntti
Sound design: Onni Pirkola
Costume design: Amita Kilumanga
Production: Teatteri Nirvana & Cultural Centre Stoa
Photo: Julia Jäntti
Graphic designer: Maarika Autio

The production of the work has been supported by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation and Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Age recommendation: 13+
Language: Finnish