XXII Aurore – Helsinki Renaissance Music Festival (2 Feb 2025)
Feb 2, 2025 | 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Sammatintie 5, 00550 Helsinki
Experience the wonderful and vivid world of renaissance music in and celebrate the 500th anniversary Palestrina, of one of polyphonys greatest masters!
Founded in 2014, Aurore is the only music festival in Finland specifically focused on renaissance music. It strives to bring forward the wonderful and vivid, yet rarely heard repertoire from ca. 1450–1600, performed by the leading renaissance specialists in music.
The festival aims to give the audience a comprehensive view to the captivating world of the renaissance era via an exceptionally detailed program leaflet and the laid back Meet&Greet – events. The highly skilled artists performing in Aurore are specialised in early music and the performance practises and instruments of the renaissance era.
St. Paul’s Church
30.1. at 19.00 Escapades – The Secular Music of Palestrina
31.1. at 19.00 In the Sweet Shade of the Forest – Nature’s Voice in Italian Madrigals
1.2. at 19.00 Praeter rerum seriem – Guest Concert by Arte Minima (Portugal)
2.2. at 18.00 Missa Papae Marcelli – Celebrating Palestrina 500
Tickets 25/20 €, festival pass 65/55 € from Lippupiste and at the entrance, under 15 yrs free entry
45 minutes before each concert the audience is invited to meet the artists, hear a short presentation of the repertoire and instruments, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea