KINO CAISA: Anywhere Anytime (S) – Valtuusto 150v
4.3.2025 | 18:00
Kaikukatu 4, 00530 Helsinki
Issa is a young Senegalese undocumented immigrant; trying to survive as best he can in Turin, Italy.
When he’s fired by his previous employer for fear of being fined by the police, Issa’s friend helps him get started working as a food-delivery rider. This new gig gives him a sense of security and freedom, riding his bike around the city, controlling his destiny. But his newly gained sense of stability quickly collapses when, during a drop-off, the bicycle he’s just spent all of his money on is stolen. Issa then embarks on a desperate odyssey through the streets of the city to find his bike.
Age Limit: S
Duration: 82 min
Spoken language: Italian, Wolof
Subtitles: English
Valtuusto 150 v-etu
Tämä tapahtuma on maksuton 7–19-vuotiaille. Helsingin kaupunginvaltuusto juhlistaa 150-vuotissynttäreitään tarjoamalla vuoden 2025 ajaksi ilmaisia elämyksiä nuorille!
Lunasta maksuton lippu TÄSTÄ