
Aleksanterinkatu 23, 00100 Helsinki

At Restaurant Helsinger, you can easily organize a meeting, meeting or private event The delicious meals from the restaurant’s own kitchen are available in advance and by ordering on the spot. Breakfasts, lunches, coffee services, dinners and customized menus. In Helsinger, you can find 20 meeting rooms of different sizes (2-20 people) equipped with good and easy-to-use technology. Helsinger serves by request in all their facilities. The cozy and atmospheric restaurant hall can hold a party of 50 to 60 people seated, much more standing. In the meeting facilities, there is a space-specific minimum sales charge proportional to the number of people, which is supplemented by your catering order. Starting from €35.00/person. Check out the menus on Helsinger’s website. It is easy to get to Helsinger by public transport, it’s located just a few minutes’ walk from Helsinki’s main train station: Aleksanterinkatu 23, opposite Stockmann. Request an offer: myynti.helsinger@kanresta.fi +358 50 535 8325 RESPONSIBILITY Kanresta Oy, which is responsible for Helsinger’s operations, is owned by Suomen Kansanterveysyhdistys ry. They run a small restaurant business, but Kanresta annually distributes its dividends to its owners: Lastentautien Tutkimussäätiö, Mieli ry, Vanhustyön Keskusliitto and Sydänliitto. Portaat Luomuun – Helsinger is a certified two-star organic restaurant. Ekokompassi – Ekokompassi is an industry-independent environmental system that is based on the international ISO 14001 standard and is externally audited. With the support of their experts, the organization builds an environmental program with goals and measures to reduce environmental impacts and to add a positive footprint to its operating environment. The environmental program is tailored to the organization’s own needs, and it supports the continuous development of the business. Yhteiskunnallinen Yritys – Kanresta has had the right to use the Social Enterprise brand for a long time as proof of the successful combination of business and social goals.
