Apollonkatu 5, 00100 Helsinki
The church of the Swedish speaking United Methodist Church in Helsinki located in Töölö. The church iwas designed by Atte V Willberg and was consecrated 23 september 1928. The church is 68 m high. When it is built on a hill the total height over the sea level is 76 m. The rose window, “Praise song to Creation”, above the gallery is designed by Lennart Segerstråle. Under the gallery there is a fresco by Carl A H Ericsson. The work symbolizes the tree of spiritual life with 12 doves representing the 12 apostles. The altarpiece, “The Last Supper”, has a carved bas relief by the sculptor William Vinqvist. Vinqvist is also the author of the Crucifix, ” Christus Victor”. The pipe organ, manufactured by the organ factory of Kangasala, has 15 stops and was designed by the organist Asko Rautioaho.