
Lammassaari, 00560 Helsinki

Lammassaari is a recreational island close to Vanhankaupunginkoski rapids near Arabianranta, next to Kuusiluoto. Accessible duckboards (a path made of wooden planks) begin from Pornaistenniemi. Together with the nature trail Lap of Nature, the duckboards form an accessible recreational path of approx. 3,5km. Lammassaari is part of the Viikki-Vanhankaupunginlahti nature reserve. All visitors should respect the peace of nature both inside the nature protection area as well as in the surrounding green areas. Lammassaari is a perfect place for nature hikes and bird watching while there are thousands of migrating birds in the area every spring and autumn. Please notice that there are private cottages in the area and walking in the area should be on marked paths only. Though the name Lammassaari, meaning “sheep island” in Finnish, sheep can’t be found here but on the nearby Kuusiluoto island instead (in summertime).