Okra Shop
Aleksanterinkatu 26, 00170 Helsinki
Finnish arts, crafts and design shop Okra is located in the center of Helsinki, on the edge of Senate Square and opposite of the Helsinki Cathedral. Okra is owned by ten artisans and designers. Personal and unique products create a happy and fresh atmosphere in the spacious shop. On display are products made by the owners and selected craftsmen. At Okra you will find a renewable selection of textiles, jewelry and accessories, interior design products and consumer goods made of glass, ceramics and recycled materials, among other things. Behind the counter, you can often find one of the designers and you can ask them for example about the manufacturing and maintenance of the products. At Okra, all products are of Finnish origin, designed and manufactured in Finland. Responsible manufacturing, ecology and longevity are important values of the products. During twenty-eight years of operation, Okra has established itself as a versatile and renewable shop of high-quality Finnish handicrafts in Helsinki.