Submarine Vesikko
Suomenlinna B 79, Tykistölahti, 00190 Helsinki
Vesikko is the Military Museum’s most popular attraction and also globally a significant memorial to naval warfare. In Vesikko the visitor can experience first hand the crowded working and living spaces of the submarines in the midst of diesel and electric engines and torpedoes. The submarine, originally CV-707, was built in Turku for Germany and launched in 1933. Finland bought the submarine in 1936 and she was named Vesikko. Together with four other submarines, Vesikko took part in the Finnish Winter and Continuation Wars, 1939–1944. After the war Vesikko was the only Finnish submarine that was not scrapped. After extensive renovation it was open to the public as an exhibit of the Military Museum in Suomenlinna in July 1973. Open May-September, closed October-April. Opening hours on the website of the museum.