Submit your event to the event calendar!
City of Helsinki publishes information of events in Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa on event calendar for free. The event information will also appear on digital platforms that utilise the Linked Events API . However, only the events located in Helsinki will be downloaded in the Helsinki City event calendar.

NOTE! Only submit events that meet the following criteria:
- They are of interest to tourists and city dwellers
- They are located in the capital region (not e.g. Kauniainen, Porvoo)
- They are not yet visible in the event calendar (seeäe-ja-koe/tapahtumat, we do not publish the same event twice)
- There is plenty of time before the start of the event (e.g. not the next day, as there is no time to publish the announcement before the event)
- The event description text includes language versions: Finnish and English, possibly also Swedish (exceptionally only in Finnish when the spoken language is Finnish, incl. theatre performances, lectures, etc.)
- the description text does not contain typos, exaggerations, clichés and superlatives or the “us” form, because then it refers to the city of Helsinki, not the event itself
- You have filled in all the requested information. If the event does not have, for example, a start or end date, a photo or a title, it cannot be published.
Events whose content is not suitable for Helsinki’s event calendar include:
- Political events (demonstrations, radical events related to elections or wars, etc.)
- Religious events (church services, prayers, although concerts are included in the calendar)
- Online events not related to Helsinki or the Metropolitan Area
- events taking place in a private dwelling
- Not open to all, e.g. professional or investor events
- Fund-raising events (except for charity events, where there is a programme)
- Job or student recruitment advertisements
- Hobbies and courses
The City of Helsinki reserves the right to choose the material to be published and to edit the text to suit the website.
More information: