Four reasons to love Helsinki

Life in Helsinki – and even the Helsinkians themselves – are above all, defined by the change of seasons: The light summer nights, the endless days of light caressing the islands and the sea, the radiant beauty of Autumn leaves, the glass like brightness of October sky just before the first snow. The snow! The winter darkness that holds space for rest, and the wondrous miracle of spring. You see, nothing feels as much like spring, as the Helsinki spring. That’s the gift of winter. 

So yes, visit Helsinki at least four times. Or better yet, make it 12. Stay around the year, get the whole picture.  Experience how the city reveals yet another new side of it every month.

Couple walking on ice near Seurasaari island

Jump in to the season of your choice!

Photo Jussi Hellsten
Couple walking amongst autumn leaves in Helsinki

In Helsinki, it’s easy to remember: we are all connected to this living, breathing planet rotating around the sun. Feeling the seasons connects us with Earth. Perhaps that’s the core of (Helsinkian) happiness, being grounded.

Seasonal food in Helsinki:

Head for the markets to pick up the fresh spring harvest. As the asparagus season gets underway in the beginning of April, many local restaurants usually have special asparagus theme weeks that can last until May or even June, depending on the restaurant in question. The traditional asparagus menu features boiled white and green asparagus served with Hollandaise sauce and poached egg.