360 Feast Helsinki room

Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13, Sofiankatu 1, 00170 Helsinki
Helsinki City Hall, Event Square

Immersive 360° Feast Helsinki room at the Helsinki City Hall invites you to sense and experience the spectacular Feast Helsinki food festival in all its glory.

Feast Helsinki is a three-week celebration of Helsinki’s world-class food and beverage scene that kicks off on 24 May. One of the highlights of the festival is the 360° Feast Helsinki room in the lobby of the City Hall, which will open to the public on 29 May. Come envelope yourself in a stimulating multisensory Helsinki experience! 


What kind of food-related moments do we cherish and how do we share these experiences? How is Helsinki’s nature, sea, local markets and neighbourhood cafes a part of us and our culinary adventures? The immersive 360° Feast Helsinki room allows you to appreciate the full sensory spectrum of sights, sounds and gastronomic delicacies that are available at the Feast Helsinki food festival. The room was created collaboratively by the City of Helsinki’s Communications Department and the students of the Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science.


The 360° Feast Helsinki room will be open daily 10.00–16.00 between 29 May and 14 June 2024, closed only on 8–9 June. The room can accommodate 10 people at one time.