Photo Suomen luontokeskus Haltia (c) Ismo Kotro

A Year in the Life of the White Owl

Nuuksiontie 84, 02820 Espoo
Haltia the Finnish Nature Centre

Markus Varesvuo and Jorma Luhta: A Year in the Life of the White Owl

Markus Varesvuo and Jorma Luhta: A Year in the Life of the White Owl

Snowy Owls breed in the arctic tundra surrounding the North Pole. The last successful Snowy Owl breeding in Finland was in 2015. It is becoming clear that the big white owl will be the first casualty in the climate change. 

With the photography, Markus Varesvuo and Jorma Luhta hope to pass on what they have seen and experienced in the land of the Snowy Owl, and their deep appreciation for this living treasure.


Haltia – The Finnish Nature Centre, Gallery


Daily 10.00-18.00

Admission fee 0-13€