Andreas Gefe: Carnets de Voyage – Helsinki Comics Festival 2023

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

The exhibition at Stoa’s balcony gallery presents the works of the Swiss artist Andreas Gefe.

The exhibition at Stoa’s balcony gallery presents the works of the Swiss artist Andreas Gefe.

Andreas Gefe is a Swiss Illustrator and Comic Artist with international reputation. He has published five graphic novels in German. (Not) a New York Love Story, a collaboration with Julian Voloj, was honored with the Comic Prize of Swiss German Cities. Gefe is also a painter by passion. His latest painting project is the series Carnets de Voyage which is shown at Helsinki Comics Festival this year.

The themes of this year’s Helsinki Comics Festival are German-language comics and travel and transport. Helsinki Comics Festival is the largest comics event in the Nordic countries, and it is being held for the 38th time in 2023.