AX Goes Jazz Jam

Välimerenkatu 18, 00220 Helsinki
Hotel AX

Come along to jam with us or if you prefer to play the role of a listener, that's fine as well and you can even bring your friends along for a surprise evening!

AX Goes Jazz Jam in the evening the great host band piloted by Ilkka Uksila warms up the atmosphere for the jams. So bring your instrument and come along to jam, or if you prefer to play the role of a listener that's fine as well, and bring your friends along for a surprise evening!

Host band of the evening:

Ilkka Uksila,
Tuomo Uusitalo,
Juice Chest,
Roope Kantonen

Restaurant AX, Hotel AX

10 May 2024
At 19.00-22.00

Free admission