Blueberry Burdock | PREMIERE – Decade of Deviations: Nuua Company 10 years

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

Circus artist Olli Vuorinen’s solo piece is a surrealist journey into the psychological patterns of the human mind and their contradictions.

Circus artist Olli Vuorinen’s solo piece is a surrealist journey into the psychological patterns of the human mind and their contradictions.

In an abundance of concrete and metaphorical choices and directions, ‘Blueberry Burdock’ combines surrealist scenes and embodied narratives that express the complexity of a life lived.

Decade of Deviations: Nuua Company’s 10th Anniversary
For a decade, Nuua Company has been forging a trail slightly off the mainstream, combining different artistic disciplines to create entertaining and thought-provoking art experiences.
We call these experiences circus.

Nuua Company’s 10th anniversary festival will showcase the group’s latest works, installation art as well as light and video footage accumulated over the years. The programme includes two premieres, ‘Wildfire’ and ‘Blueberry Burdock’ (6 and 7 October), and the acclaimed ‘Meanwhile’ (8 October).