Break! – unhurried crafts workshop

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

Let’s pause for a moment in the midst of the rush. In Break! crafts workshops, everyday life is enriched with easy-to-learn handicrafts, which also help you to learn how to make more ecological choices in everyday life.

Let’s pause for a moment in the midst of the rush. In Break! crafts workshops, everyday life is enriched with easy-to-learn handicrafts, which also help you to learn how to make more ecological choices in everyday life.

The spring workshops will focus on topics such as sustainable clothing and the new life of textiles as well as the important role of bees in building a more sustainable future.

Themes for the spring Break! workshops:

15 Feb | Fix and decorate! – sustainable clothing
15 Mar | Tawashi – woven sponge: new life of textiles
12 Apr | Beeswax in a coffee cup – on the importance of bees
10 May | A more sustainable picnic! – ecological lunchbox