CANCELLED | Dance and play workshops | Play-age – For play-age children (3–5 years) and their parents

Kaikukatu 4, Helsinki, 00530 Helsinki
Cultural Centre Caisa

The event has unfortunately been cancelled. We apologise for the inconvenience.

The event has unfortunately been cancelled. We apologise for the inconvenience.


The dance and play workshop introduces children to the world of dance through movement, music and play.

Children along with their guardians are welcome on a joyful journey where they can play, communicate and express themselves through movement and dance in their individual way. The course is also suitable for participants with special needs and different mobility abilities.

The workshop is based on the Danceability inclusive dance method developed by American dance artist Alito Alessi. The method supports self-empowerment and provides participants with the opportunity to share a joyful experience of dancing and moving together.

The instructor of the course is dance artist and instructor Vera Lapitskaya, she is also a certified DanceAbility teacher.

The dance and play workshop inspires and guides parents and children in Helsinki to do and experience the art of dance together.

You can participate either one workshop or all of them on consecutive weeks. Arrive on time. No pre-registration, places will be filled in order of arrival. The first 12 can be accommodated.

Language: Finnish (English, Russian and Spanish if needed)