Elina Kutramoinen and Kaisa Sunimento: Supporting Integration

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

The exhibition follows the everyday operations of organisations founded by immigrants.

The exhibition follows the everyday operations of organisations founded by immigrants.

When integrating to a new environment, your best support might sometimes be someone who has also experienced moving to a foreign country. The documentary photo exhibition follows organisational actors in Vantaa, Helsinki, Jyväskylä and Rovaniemi.

The exhibition was created as a collaboration between authorities and organisational actors and is meant to highlight the activities and significance of the organisations.

The project was coordinated by the editorial team of kotoutumisentukena.fi, which is maintained by the Uusimaa ELY Centre. Kotoutumisentukena.fi is an online service which collects together low-threshold events supporting integration as well as training and events for those working and volunteering with integration. Read more at kotoutumisentukena.fi.