Eskola - Mäkynen - Puolitaival - Seppä

A new quarter formed by prominent jazz musicians Jukka Eskola, Teppo Mäkynen, Petri Puolitaival and Eero Seppä performs varied jazz rhythms and original compositions on the Espa Stage.

A new quarter formed by prominent jazz musicians Jukka Eskola, Teppo Mäkynen, Petri Puolitaival and Eero Seppä performs varied jazz rhythms and original compositions on the Espa Stage.

Seppä’s rare Höfner bass, Mäkynen’s hypnotic rhythms and the two brass players’ virtuosic tunes form into a colourful and interesting experience.

The concert is part of the Meidän Uusimaa concert series supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Uusimaa Regional Fund.