Excursion to Iso Vasikkasaari

Jousipolku 1 C2, 00370 Helsinki
Pitäjänmäki Youth Centre

Welcome to the trip to Iso Vasikkasaari! On the trip, you can swim and grill together with others and get to know the island.

Beautiful scenery, good services and functioning ferry service make Iso-Vasikkasaari an excursion destination suitable for everyone. The boat trip to the island is a few minutes long. The island has a swimming area, lawn areas, a sports field, as well as soup kitchens and several rest areas. During the trip, we go swimming at the island's swimming spot and grill something good together.

Departure for the trip will be on Friday 14.6 at 10:00 from Pitäjänmäki youth center or Haagan Lämpiö. You can choose which place suits you better. At Pitäjänmäki youth center and Haaga Lämpiö you will be greeted by a youth counselor. The return from the excursion takes place at the same place (Pitäjänmäki or Lämpiö) by 17:00.

The excursion fee is 5 euros and it includes excursion snacks and the necessary tickets to move around during the day. If the person going on the trip has allergies or other health-related considerations, please inform the guides before the trip starts. The camp counselors can be reached before and during the trip at the following numbers:

Tuija Ronkainen phone 040 620 4163

Heta Santamäki phone 040 683 6180

On the trip, you should bring your own backpack, water bottle, bathing suit and towel, as well as clothes suitable for the weather. Welcome aboard!