Excursion to Talma Ski’s Werneri Park

Yliskylän puistokatu 4, 00840 Helsinki

Winter excursion to Talma Ski’s Werneri Park

Excursion to Talma Ski’s Werneri Park for 9–12-year-olds. At Werneri Park, you can speed down the hill using a sled, a slider or a snow tube in a tube chute. There is also downhill skiing. A maximum of 15 young people can participate. We will meet at the Youth Environment Space (Saari Shopping Centre) at 12.00. We will be back around 18.00. The excursion price covers a packed lunch, travel expenses and a ticket to Werneri Park. The excursions price is €14. More detailed information about the excursion can be found when registering at harrastushaku.fi.