Photo Ranskan instituutti Suomessa
To celebrate the International Women’s Day, the French institute in Finland and AfriStadi are arranging the screening of Félicité.
To celebrate the International Women’s Day, the French institute in Finland and AfriStadi are arranging the screening of Félicité.
“Félicité” is a 2017 film directed by Alain Gomis. The film is set in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and follows the story of a proud and strong-willed singer named Félicité who must navigate the city’s bustling streets and tumultuous political landscape to find the funds to save her son’s life. With a pulsing soundtrack and vivid cinematography, “Félicité” provides a powerful portrayal of the resilience and determination of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The film is a must-see for anyone interested in African cinema and the diverse stories that emerge from the continent.
Alain Gomis: Félicité (2016), duration 2h 3 min
Performed in French and lingala
Subtitles in French
Helsinki University Africa Research Forum for Social Sciences and Humanities – Afristadi fosters research and research dissemination, with two key goals:
– to overcome the limits of Euro-centric knowledge in social sciences and humanities and advocate and fundraise for a greater involvement of African researchers in Africa-related research
– to mainstream the scientific and societal contributions of Africa research at the University of Helsinki and beyond
French Institute in Finland
Free entry, pre-registration via Eventbrite