Fazer Experience Chocolate - Wine Tasting

Fazerintie 6, 01230 Vantaa
Fazer Experience Visitor Centre

At the Fazer Experience Visitor Centre's chocolate and wine tasting, you can feel how different combinations bring out the best sides of chocolate and wine.

At the Fazer Experience Visitor Centre's chocolate and wine tasting, you can feel how different combinations bring out the best sides of chocolate and wine. In this tasting, you can and should discuss matters of taste!

At the event, five chocolates and five wines will be tasted under the guidance of an expert. Fazer's chocolate confections and Ainoa Winery's wines form a pair of flavours that pamper all the senses.

Try to see if you can find your favourite among the ready-made flavour pairs!


Fazer Experience Visitor Centre, Vantaa



Admission fee 49€/person, age limit 18 yrs

The event guidance language is Finnish.