Photo Vilda Adventure

Forest Bathing

Metsäläntie 9, 00620 Helsinki
Maunulan ulkoilumaja - Maunula hiking lodge

Need to relax and reduce stress? Forest bathing could be the solution for your well-being.

Need to relax and reduce stress? Forest bathing could be the solution for your well-being. 

After a busy day, your body tends to relax as you sink into the couch, but your mind continues to run at full speed, especially if you pull out your phone and social media or switch on the TV. Forest bathing breaks this pattern and allows you to pause. 

The session begins with a calm guided walk in nature towards a place the tour will stay around for the rest of the session. Then people will take in the forest with all the senses with the help of various relaxing exercises. The forest "dip" is rounded off with a voluntary discussion about the experience and tea/coffee with a snack in the nature. 


Central Park. meeting point outside of the Maunula Hiking Lodge



9.5. / 6.6. / 4.7.   13.00-15.00

6.6. / 4.7.   16.00-18.00

Admission fee 35€