Photo Helsingin oopperakesä

Helsinki Contemporary Opera Festival 2024

Bulevardi 27, 00180 Helsinki
Aleksanterin teatteri

A diverse selection of contemporary music theatre and opera at Alexander Theatre 15.8.-1.9.2024

Helsinki Contemporary Opera Festival, produced by Greta Productions, is a festival focusing on contemporary music theatre and chamber opera. The festival will be held for the fourth time at the Alexander Theatre from 15 August to 1 September 2024. The festival introduces the audience to the most interesting and relevant performances from the independent scene.

The Helsinki Contemporary Opera Festival is a large festival in Finland presenting productions and artists in this genre. The programme includes world premieres, Helsinki premieres and additional performances of previously premiered works. This year's festival will feature productions by 11 professional groups and free events.

The Helsinki Contemporary Opera Festival offers a unique opportunity to experience the latest in music theatre and opera. Join us for a memorable cultural dive!


Alexander Theatre

15 August - 1 September 2024