Photo Koko Jazz Club (c) Peter Duyts

Ikonen / Jormin / M'Kachiche / Ounaskari

Hämeentie 3, 00530 Helsinki
Koko Jazz Club

Ikonen / Jormin / M'Kachiche / Ounaskari (FI/SE/DZ)

Ikonen / Jormin /  M'Kachiche / Ounaskari  (FI/SE/DZ) 

The concert is full of charismatic and iconic new compositions that combine fresh northern jazz and the delicate poetry of arabic music.

Kari Ikonen - piano
Kheir-eddine M'Kachiche - violin
Anders Jormin - double bass
Markku Ounaskari - drums


Koko Jazz Club

16.3.2023 at 19.00


Tickets 20/25€ from Tiketti, duration is not mentioned