Jussi’s Forest Fairy Tales

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

We will take a trip to forest with Jussi Ollila to find the most magical stories.

We will take a trip to forest with Jussi Ollila to find the most magical stories.

The stories are improvised based on children’s ideas and inspired by the life we encounter in the woods. The faithful campground guitar will accompany our travels.

The event is suitable for children over 3, or children who will be able to walk for a short stroll in the woods.
Age recommendation: 3- to 7-year-olds
Duration: approx. 45 min.

Language: Finnish
Location: The Matokallio woods next to Helsinki Upper Secondary School of Languages KARTTAPAIKKA
Free admission

Suits families and daycare groups.

Daycare groups’ preregistration: kultus.fi, starting August 15th.