Kauri Honkakoski Company: HINTERLAND

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

A glimpse of the wasteland of our minds - the landscape where we like to store our long shadows.

A glimpse of the wasteland of our minds - the landscape where we like to store our long shadows.

A community perseveres under dire circumstances on no man’s land, blind to the consequences of its own actions. A show emerging from our time but created in a timeless style, Hinterland explores painful collective themes in tragicomical tones.

The show was created through the art of Corporeal Mime, a form of physical theatre rarely seen in Finland. The starting point was a collection of sombre short stories by Samuel Beckett written immediately after the Second World War.

Kauri Honkakoski Company is an internationally awarded physical theatre group. They are known for their atmospheric shows that combine rich physical expression with deep human themes. Hinterland features the Company’s talented international ensemble.

LANGUAGE: non-verbal
LENGTH: 50 min
GENRE: physical theatre, dance theatre

Director, dramaturg: Kauri Honkakoski
Performers: Oona Jama, Sonja Järvisalo, Ines Kakkonen, Liv Meijer Nordgren, Ruben Nagore Santandreu, Freia Stenbäck, Valter Sui
Lighting design, set design: Sisu Nojonen
Sound design: Tuuli Kyttälä
Costume: Kauri Honkakoski, Liv Meijer Nordgren
Photos: Laura Vuoma
Trailer: Laura Vuoma, Kauri Honkakoski, Tuuli Kyttälä
Co-production: Kauri Honkakoski Company & Cultural Centre Stoa

Supporters: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, Nygréns stiftelse, Föreningen Konstsamfundet, Suomalais-ruotsalainen kulttuurirahasto, Nordic Culture Point, Per Jonsson Dance Centre, Vantaan tanssiopisto

Homepage: www.kaurihonkakoski.com
Instagram: @kauri.honkakoski
Facebook: Kauri Honkakoski Company