Kulovalkea – Wildfire – Decade of Deviations: Nuua Company 10 years

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

Wildfire is a rapidly spreading forest fire and serves as a metaphor that invites the viewer to witness something wistfully beautiful and make room for something new.

Wildfire is a rapidly spreading forest fire and serves as a metaphor that invites the viewer to witness something wistfully beautiful and make room for something new.

The performance offers ethereal atmospheres and dreamlike stage images, like moving paintings. It creates space for creative movements that take the viewer into a curious state, through which things that seem mundane become unexpected and twisted.


Decade of Deviations: Nuua Company’s 10th Anniversary
For a decade, Nuua Company has been forging a trail slightly off the mainstream, combining different artistic disciplines to create entertaining and thought-provoking art experiences.
We call these experiences circus.

Nuua Company’s 10th anniversary festival will showcase the group’s latest works, installation art as well as light and video footage accumulated over the years. The programme includes two premieres, ‘Wildfire’ and ‘Blueberry Burdock’ (6 and 7 October), and the acclaimed ‘Meanwhile’ (8 October).