Lily-Marlene Puusepp

Harpist Lily-Marlene Puusepp graduated from the Sibelius Academy with a master’s degree in music in 2005, under the instruction of Marjatta Haahti.

Harpist Lily-Marlene Puusepp graduated from the Sibelius Academy with a master’s degree in music in 2005, under the instruction of Marjatta Haahti.

Puusepp has given concerts at numerous festivals, such as Musica nova Helsinki, Viitasaari Time of Music, Tampere Biennale, Helsinki Festival, Loviisa Sibelius Festival, Kymijoen Lohisoitto, Jyväskylä Festival, Crusell Music Festival, Hanko Music Festival, Emäsalo Music Festival and Pellinge Festival. Puusepp has performed as a soloist with Jyväskylä Sinfonia, the Lappeenranta City Orchestra, the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, the Seinäjoki City Orchestra, the Avanti! Chamber Orchestra and the Joensuu City Orchestra, among others. In addition to the Nordic countries, she has given concerts in Central Europe, Japan and Australia. She has recorded music for the Finnish Broadcasting Company and performs on CD releases.

Puusepp has acted as section leader for harp for the Radio Symphony Orchestra and has joined not only Finnish orchestras, but also the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra and the Norwegian National Opera Orchestra in Oslo. She has collaborated with choirs such as the Helsinki Chamber Choir, Candomino and the Oulainen Youth Choir. Puusepp teaches the harp at the Helsinki Conservatory of Music, the Music Institute Juvenalia and the Vantaa Music Institute. Puusepp plays the Lyon & Healy Style 23 concert harp, the procurement of which was supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Alfred Kordelin Foundation and the Sibelius Academy Foundation.

The concert is part of the Meidän Uusimaa concert series supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s Uusimaa Regional Fund.