Nature Baths for Babies

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

The nature immersion sessions introduce babies to local nature on their own terms, allowing them to use all of their senses and explore.

The nature immersion sessions introduce babies to local nature on their own terms, allowing them to use all of their senses and explore.

The activities are tailored to each baby’s age and interests, and every family can choose how to participate in the activities. All kinds of families are welcome to join. The nature immersion is suitable for children aged 4–12 months. One session takes about an hour, which also includes time for coming and going and for baby care. Please dress the baby in weather-appropriate clothing that can be worn outdoors and can get a little dirty.

The location of the nature immersion sessions will be specified later.
Registrations through the Stoa website under the event as of 01/05.