Otaniemen Kaiku Choir: Bellman Soirée

Ritarikatu 1, 00170 Helsinki
House of Nobility (Ritarihuone)

Male choir Otaniemen Kaiku performs Bellman's songs with pianist Collin Hansen and researcher Panu Pulma. Arrangements and choir direction by Tapani Länsiö.

Male choir Otaniemen Kaiku performs Bellman's songs with pianist Collin Hansen and researcher Panu Pulma. Arrangements and choir direction by Tapani Länsiö.

Composer Tapani Länsiö's arrangements for the occasion with Finnish translations are complemented by historian Panu Pulma by shedding light on the end of the 18th century. The texts of the Swedish national poet and musician Carl Michael Bellman, who wrote more than 1700 songs/poems, take you from drinking songs to various stories filled with metaphors - let's also hear the most famous Ukko Noah with extensive variations.


House of Nobility



Tickets 30€ from Lippupiste