Photo Lapinlahden Lähde

Pekka Halonen Academy Student Exhibition

Pekka Halonen Academy Student Exhibition: The Trace

Pekka Halonen Academy Student Exhibition: The Trace

People are all made up of particles that move within this universe intertwined with each other. In time, all structures disintegrate and the particles continue their existence, forming as parts of other ensembles. They are also something else – feelings , experiences, memories, and legacies. These elements define people, making them who we are as individuals. From their inception, they all leave a trace in the world.
In this photography exhibition ten photographers leave a trace that tells story of their own humanity - mind and time arrive together in record of existence. 


Artists are studying in the photography orientation of Pekka Halonen Academy. 
Karoliina Huopalainen, Aura Kojo, Roosa Laamanen, Emilio Mäkipää, Panu Pahkamaa, Krista Rutanen, Piatta Salo, Venla Suorsa, Kariliis Tuovinen ja Marjukka Turunen


Lapinlahden Lähde, Main Building, Department 5, 1st floor


Mon-Fri 11.00-16.00

Sat-Sun 12.00-16.00
Free entry