Photo Kansallismuseo (c) Soile Tirilä

Press Photographs of President Urho Kekkonen

Seurasaarentie 15, 00250 Helsinki

In Leaps and Bounds - Press Photographs of President Urho Kekkonen by Photographer Jussi Pohjakallio

In Leaps and Bounds - Press Photographs of President Urho Kekkonen by Photographer Jussi Pohjakallio

The exhibition displays Jussi Pohjakallio’s (1930–1990) press photos of President Kekkonen’s public life during his first term of office, as well as occasional moments of his free time. The young photographer, who was specialised in sports photography, and the president were connected by their joint passion for sports. 

The exhibition displays photos in which President Kekkonen exercises in the courtyard area of Tamminiemi and practices his famous leap on the stone steps in Seurasaari.

