Secondhand -Scavengerhunt
Visit local secondhand stores and find specific clothing items you have been looking for! Create outfits and take part in a friendly competition!
Visit local secondhand stores and find specific clothing items you have been looking for! Create outfits and take part in a friendly competition!
What to step away from fast fashion but miss how convenient it is? Tired of leaving empty-handed from secondhand stores? Want to take part in an early-stage startup’s journey?
The new website will be launched in June and you’ll be the first to try it through the scavenger hunt! Form teams of 2-3 and get searching for the clothes you haven’t had the time to look for.
During the scavenger hunt, upload a picture of one of the items on your clothing wishlist onto the website. The website will match you with similar-looking clothes from one of the participating stores in Helsinki. Visit one of those stores to find the item and make an outfit out of it to earn points—no purchases necessary to win!
Meeting place: SHM Store, Redi Mall
What to expect:
A Scavenger Hunt Where You Choose What to Find: We’re testing ways to make it easier to shop secondhand! Wouldn’t it be nice to know before you go to a secondhand store?
Eco-Friendly Prizes: TBD…this will be updated as soon as the prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be obtained.
Community Bonding: Get to know your local secondhand stores!
Interactive Product Demo: Take part in creating a new way to shop secondhand—your support and feedback is absolutely invaluable!
Free entry, age limit 18 yrs