Photo Friskis&Svettis

Soft Run

Haukilahdenkatu 2 D, 3. floor, 00550 Helsinki

F&S Helsinki offers an opportunity for a soft start to the running season on Monday evenings in May.

F&S Helsinki offers an opportunity for a soft start to the running season on Monday evenings in May.

Do you want to start running gently after winter? On Monday evenings in May, Friskis&Svettis Helsinki outdoor gym offers an opportunity for a soft start to the running season starting at Friskis & Svettis Hermanni's gym.

After the initial warm-up, the running section alternates between walking and light jogging. At the end of the 45-minute long exercise, some mobility exercises will be trained together.

The goal is to leave the event with such a feeling that you already miss the next time!


Meeting point: Friskis & Svettis, Hermanni's gym


On Mon 17.45-18.30

You can join the run by becoming a Friskis member, the membership fee for 2024 is 20€