Photo Sofia Rinskoi

SOL Choir - Record Release Concert

Malminkatu 14, 00100 Helsinki
Helsinki German School

Record release concert: Aamun kultainen kuoro - Lauluja Savosta ja liepeiltä

Record release concert: Aamun kultainen kuoro - Lauluja Savosta ja liepeiltä

Savolaisen Osakunnan Laulajat choir celebrates the release of a new album in a record release concert. 

In the concert the choir will perform all the songs on the recording and you will also have a chance to buy yourself your own copy of the album.

The album is comprised of music composed and arranged by musicians from Savolax-area or music that is in other ways important to the Savonian choir. 

Some of the composers are old classics such as Sibelius and Kappel but also newer hit-makers like Gallon and Kverno.


German School, Ballroom



Tickets 10-30€