The Future Hangar

Ala-Malmin tori 1, 00700 Helsinki
Cultural Centre Malmitalo

Aalto university Masters students in Architecture were given the task to come up with concepts for future use of the Malmi's hangar.

Aalto university Masters students in Architecture were given the task to come up with concepts for future use of the Malmi's hangar.

Malminkenttä is a new area planned for 25 000 inhabitants and the most significant new construction in Malmi. The area is designed as a diverse high quality urban area that connects the entire north-eastern Helsinki.

The existing airport buildings, the old terminal and hangar, are protected by the detail plan and will be renovated. The detail plan allows the buildings to be used for a variety of purposes - but what could it be?

Aalto university Masters students in Architecture were given the task to come up with concepts for future use of the hangar. This as part of a “Reuse-course”, where previous subjects for design have been Pasila link tower, Hernesaari grain silos and Karjaa old locomotive port. The exhibition displays the concept ideas of the students. The aim of the exhibition is to spark discussion about what the future of the hangar could be.