Photo Helsinki Partners (c) Kalle Kataila / Metsähallitus

Wine Tasting on Vallisaari Island

Iisi Vallisaari and Potio organize wine tasting on summer Saturdays on Vallisaari Island, where you can taste several wines each time.

Iisi Vallisaari and Potio organize wine tasting on summer Saturdays on Vallisaari Island, where you can taste several wines each time.

Hosted by Potio Oy, the tasters will learn to know about the origins of different wines, producers, grapes and the specialties of the regions. Tasting includes 5 pours of wine. The price includes food matched to the wines. On the spot, it is possible to order more food and drinks.


Vallisaari Island



15.6. / 29.6. / 6.7. / 13.7. / 20.7. / 27.7. / 3.8.



Wine Tasting themes:

15.6 Italy - Tapas buffet and Italian wines

29.6 Spain - Tapas buffet and Spanish wines

6.7 France - Tapas buffet and French wines

13.7 Austria / Germany - Tapas buffet and Austrian and German wines

20.7 Rose - Tapas buffet and various high-quality rose wines

27.7 Other countries - Tapas buffet and wines from other countries than previously mentioned (countries can be suggested)

3.8 Champagne and sparkling wines - Tapas buffet and champagnes and other sparkling wines 

Admission fee59€/1 h, age limit 18 yrs