Yhden pallon visiot

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki
Cultural Centre Stoa

What could a sustainable future, adapted to the planet’s carrying capacity, be like? In the Yhden pallon visiot exhibition, we will jump to the Finland of the next generations in the form of illustrated future stories and visions.

What could a sustainable future, adapted to the planet’s carrying capacity, be like? In the Yhden pallon visiot exhibition, we will jump to the Finland of the next generations in the form of illustrated future stories and visions.

Climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution – on our current path, we are heading at an accelerating pace towards increasing environmental crises, which in turn are shaking the foundations of our civilisation. The direction of the sustainability transition should be to align our lifestyles and the activities of societies with the ecological framework conditions of the planet and, on the other hand, to safeguard people’s wellbeing as fairly as possible.

The Yhden pallon visiot exhibition brings together researched knowledge and art. The future stories created by writers and illustrators that describe potential futures are on display in the exhibition as spectacular illustrations. In addition, future stories can be listened to as audio short stories on visitors’ own devices or they can be returned to after the exhibition in the project’s podcast channels. The activities of the future society have been presented with thematic vision illustrations based on researched information and researcher interviews conducted during the work.

Yhden pallon visiot is the responsibility of landscape architects Hanna Hannula and Daniela Rosqvist. The worlds of the future have been illustrated by illustrators Terhi Ekebom, Ninni Kairisalo, Satu Kettunen, Sami Makkonen, Emmi Nieminen, Kati Närhi and Daniel Stolle. Future stories have been written by writers Juha Hurme, Emmi Itäranta, Anni Kytömäki, Antti Rönkä, Salla Simukka and Lars Sund.

We welcome visitors to join us in imagining desirable futures.

For enabling the Yhden pallon visiot project, a big thank you goes to: Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation, Kone Foundation, Committee for Public Information (TJNK), Svenska Kulturfonden, Finnish Foundation for Nature Conservation, City of Helsinki and Finnish Ministry of the Environment.